3 – Criminals Can’t Hide Behind The Blockchain
If criminals think they can hide behind the relative anonymity that Bitcoin provides, they’re sorely mistaken. Many have tried to evade the long arm of the law by converting their stolen loot to bitcoins and transferring them to different wallets, but with the transparent nature of the blockchain, computer experts can spot and trace all the bitcoin transactions these criminals have ever done.
4 – Blockchain Technology Is Not Limited To Cryptocurrencies
Many different startups have started to experiment with implementing blockchain technology in various industries. Once such example is Ethereum with their smart contracts technology which basically runs on blockchain. Since the blockchain is decentralized, two parties can make transactions between themselves without needing the services of a middleman. This not only saves you money, but it also saves you a lot of time and conflict.
5 – Blockchain Can Still Be Improved
While this technology has definitely improved the lives of many people, it can still be improved. For one, as time passes by, the blockchain will grow to be several hundred gigabytes of data. This will cause a lot of bandwidth and storage problems on personal computers. Let’s hope the brightest minds in the crypto space can find a solution to this predicament soon.
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